
Answers to some frequently-asked questions: Q: Why do we have two sets of teeth? A: A child needs teeth long before his or her jaw is big enough to accommodate the full set of adult teeth. Baby, or deciduous, teeth are “starters” in every sense of the...

When a tooth is lost, nothing is ever the same. The entire balance of a healthy mouth is lost: the bite goes off, opposing teeth overgrow in unpredictable directions, facial appearance ages. Restorative dentistry is all about bringing mouths back into use. How? Let us count...

Above average? Me? You may be five-foot-four, a C student, never starred at sports. And yet you may be ABOVE average—in your need for dental check-ups. While two visits a year is average, more appointments should be scheduled when either the mouth builds up tartar fast, cavities...

Do women need to be more careful with their oral health? Women's oral health depends on their different stages of life. For many women, these changes are directly related to surges in sex hormone levels, such as in puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. Women are...

What are crowns? A crown is a restoration that covers, or "caps," a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and size, strengthening and improving the appearance of a tooth. Crowns are necessary when a tooth is generally broken down and fillings won't solve the...