
Replace One or More Missing Teeth

At Renae Wilson, DDS a dental bridge is an effective and simple solution that can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. As well as being unattractive, missing teeth can cause significant problems because having a space between teeth can inhibit proper eating and speaking. To create a strong, new tooth or teeth, we will take precise measurements of the gap. Using these measurements he will carve a replacement tooth from a block of porcelain and perfectly match the color to your surrounding teeth. The sculpted replacement is then bonded so that it is suspended between two porcelain dental crowns. These crowns fit over the teeth adjacent to the gap and are bonded to hold the bridge in the correct position. Once the procedure is completed, bridges can be used normally. For the highest quality dental bridges in San Diego, CA, as well as the surrounding areas, call our office at 619-588-2420 to schedule an appointment.