periodontal disease Tag

The concept of dental age is surprising to people when they first ear it. Dental age is independent of chronological age. From a biological stand point, we are youthful until we reach maturity around thirty, we are adults from thirty to sixty years, and elder from...

News to Make a Mouth Water… A thick, juicy prime rib of beef surrounded by a baked potato—all the trimmings—asparagus with drawn butter, fresh apple cobbler a la mode. Got your mouth watering? Good. Your salivary glands have been stimulated. And saliva’s a whole lot more...

Fighting periodontal (gum) disease through meticulous daily hygiene and regular dental appointments is brilliant. You preserve your beautiful smile and sweet breath, maintain the health of your teeth and gums, and protect your overall health in the bargain! Periodontal disease—a chronic inflammatory disease that can destroy...

Whether it's to mask bad breath, fight cavities or prevent the buildup of plaque, the sticky material that contains germs and can lead to oral diseases, mouthwash serves a variety of purposes. Or so we think. Though they may leave your mouth with a clean, fresh...

Whether you call it dragon breath, morning breath, or halitosis, persistent bad breath is not only socially embarrassing, it can also be a sign of poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, digestive problems, and even sinus trouble. And all the mouthwashes and breath fresheners in the...

We could be first to know. Don’t let us be the last. Diabetes affects the blood chemistry and metabolism of its victims, threatening them with multiple serious disorders. But early detection can ward off the dangers, and we dentists are often the first to notice clues. Diabetics...