Author: renaewilsondds

Whether you’ve worried about your and your family’s health, job or business security, or accessing services you count on, you’ve likely experienced a whole lot of stress in this past year. The hypothalamus, the mission control room in your brain, has been busy sending out...

Families, like smiles, come in all sizes and loving varieties. One thing they all have in common is parents. And parents dramatically affect children’s health and development. That includes oral health. The more the parents model healthy habits, practice and instill values of self-care, including...

  It started out as a simple dental cleaning. With your mouth agape, you hear the hygienist repeat 5 several times as she probes your teeth. You think to yourself, fives are good, right? Then the dentist comes in. She probes your back molars, takes off...

Regardless of what your smile needs (cosmetic improvement, tooth restoration, even dentures), there’s one thing you’ll want when we’re done: attractive, natural-looking teeth. Getting teeth to look their natural best comes from the shape and color assessments we make throughout the procedure. Color depends of tooth...

We have informational brochures in our office concerning snoring and sleep apnea. If you suffer from these problems or are losing sleep because of someone who does, answering these simple questions may help you identify your symptoms. A Sleep Quiz I have been told that I snore. I...

Why Early Detection is so Important Wouldn't you say that the best dental treatment is the one you never had to undergo in the first place—because it was caught and corrected in time? We sure would! We’re always on the lookout for a potential problem that can...